
Tel No.
Fax No.
Company E-mail *
Person in Charge *
Mobile No. *
E-mail *

 Same as Applicant  )
Factory Name
Tel No.
Fax No.
Company E-mail *
Person in Charge *
Mobile No. *
E-mail *

Kind of Approval


For Renewal of MP, TA, DA, the following documents to be submitted

① Data related to the cforrective action for approved product, if any
② Alteration to the approved manufacturing process or specification
③ Service records of approved products or similar products which are approved by this Society(minimum 6 months and over)

1. If you are applying for Renewal, Annual, Change or Occasional, please input the Certificate number.
2. Where there are alterations to the product or documentation since previous approval contents, please describe details.

Product Information
Kind of Product *
Model(Brand) or Grade *
Approval Range
Date of Approval Test
(Desired date)
Open the calendar popup.
Date to be Approval
(Desired date)
Open the calendar popup.

Applicable Standards, Codes and Rules
Please state the standards that the product is to be certified as complying with (e.g. KR Rules), including, where applicable, those which are offshore or industrial

Installation Location of Electric/Automation System (for Environmental Testing)
Controlled environments only, to producer’s specification
Enclosed spaces subject to temperature, humidity and vibration: 5°C to 55°C
Enclosed spaces subject to generated heat from other equipment: 5°C to 70°C
Mounted on reciprocating machinery: 5°C to 55°C
Open decks: -25°C to +70°C
Additional tests e.g. IP65. Please state

Existing Quality System Certification Details
Please provide copy of Certificate(s) as data for reference
Do you have a current ISO 9001 registration? *
If 'Yes' please state
Certification Body
Scope of Approval
Expiration Date
Open the calendar popup.

  ( At the moment, only 1(one) file per 1(one) category is allowed in the system.
    Please compress the files in the form of .zip and upload 1 zip file per 1 category. )
Approval Test Plan and applicable Standards(TA,MP)
Drawing and Specification(TA,MP,DA)
Procedure for maintaining KR Qualty Assurance System(QA)   
Data for Reference(TA,MP,DA,QA)   

Invoice Charge
 Same as above applicant     Same as above factory  ) *
BILLING CONTACT : When the billing contact and applicant are different, please fill out the follows
Company Name *
Tel No.
Fax No.
E-mail *

The undersigned acknowledges the provisions of relevant Rules of Korean Register, requests Korean Register to carry out the inspection for the goods stated above, accepts the “General Conditions” given on the next page, and also agrees to pay all inspection fees and expenses which will be incurred in the aforesaid inspection. Under the General Conditions, KR is to be responsible for damage or loss incurred by the Client arising from a negligence of KR. The liability will be limited to 10 times the sum actually paid for the services. If the applicant is applied by The Severe Disaster Punishment Act, relevant actions for surveyor's health & hygiene based on this Act should be conducted.

I agree with all above statements.