Supplier Application

KR Branch Office
Branch Office *

Please input your Company information
Company Name
CEO Business Registration No.
Person in Charge * Mobile No. *
Tel No. Fax No.
E-mail *

Kind of Approval(Class)
Kind of Cert. Cert No. Kind of Survey Extension Period
215(82) as amended and IACS UI SC223 and/or IMO Res.MSC.288(87) as amended
with membrane cargo containment systems for vessels in service

Kind of Approval(Statutory)
Kind of Cert. Cert No. Kind of Survey Extension Period
luminescent materials
and general alarm systems

Please input your Company information
Open the calendar popup.


Attachments ( details can be found on Instruction )
1. Outline of company (eg. organization and management structure, including subsidiaries to be included in the approval/certification).
2. List of nominated agent, subsidiaries and subcontractors.
3. Experience of the company in the specific service area.
4. For categories of Service Suppliers that require authorization from manufacturers, manufacturer's documentary evidence that the Service Supplier has been authorized or licensed to service the particular makes and models of equipment for which approval is sought shall be provided.
5. List of operators/technicians/inspectors documenting training and experience within the relevant service area, and qualifications according to recognised national, international or industry standards, as relevant.
6. Description of equipment used for the particular service for which approval is sought.
7. A guide for operators of equipment.
8. Training programmes for operators/technicians/inspectors.
9. Check lists and record formats for recording results of the services referred to in Appendix Part A or Part B of Guidance for approval of service supplier.
10. Quality Manual and/or documented procedures.
11. Documented procedures for communication with the crew prior to commencing work, so that it is safe to decommission the equipment being maintained, and to provide a safe system of work in place.
12. Evidence of approval/acceptance by other bodies, if any.
13. Information on the other activities which may present a conflict of interest.
14. Record of customer claims and of corrective actions requested by certification bodies.
15. Other data deemed necessary by the Society for the approval.

아래에 서명한 신청자는 한국선급의 관련 규칙(특히, 선급 및 강선 규칙 제 1편 제 1장 803. 선급의 책임. 동조 제1항의 선박소유자는 신청자로 간주)을 숙지하고 이에 동의함을 전제로 아래의 검사를 시행하여 줄 것을 요청하며, 또한 검사의 결과로서 발생하는 모든 검사료와 경비를 지불하는 것에 동의합니다.

By signing below, I hereby certify that I have read, understand and comply to agree with the Rules of Korean Registers (pursuant to Part 1 Section 8 – 803 “Liability of Classification Society”), and that I am requesting that Korean Registers carry out the ship survey(s) stated above, and that I am willing and able to pay all survey fees and expenses which will be incurred in the aforesaid survey(s).
I agree with all above statements.